We’re constantly on the lookout for new resources to offer to teachers pertaining to all things skateboarding and physical education related! Click on the icons below, or simply search for a keyword in the search bar to find new lesson plans, scholarly articles, safety information, and more!
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Example: Enter keywords like “safety” to access our list of safety resources.
Content Areas
This collection of resources is packed full of lesson plans and additional content that can be used in your school, that was created by Get On Board teachers, and other leaders in the skateboarding world.
Wellness Resources
Learn about the profound impact skateboarding has on mental, physical, and emotional health with these resources from industry leading organizations like Hull Services, The Goodpush Alliance, and more!
Physical Education Resources
Your go to spot for up to date information on all things skateboarding and education related! Here you’ll find everything you need to know from skateboard etiquette to safety resources, and more!
Support Materials
Check out these resources on why skateboarding is so beneficial with up to date research studies, national education standards, and scholarly resources!
Beyond Skateboarding
Learn more about where skateboarding can take you with this growing list of resources from skateboard industry careers, skateboard brands, community resources, and more!